Friday, February 10, 2017

Berlin Memorial

Today I learned that the Jewish people weren't aloud to go to the beach during 1933. Since Hitler has passed a decree and had take away most of th rights the Jews had. I also learned that Jews couldn't buy most of the basic food there was such as eggs and beef. Then as the years went on Jews weren't even allowed to have pets. Probably because the Nazi were afraid of getting attacked from a pet(such as a dog). In 7/27/1939 Once a Jewish passed away his/her final testament were no longer valid. Which is sad because what if the family of that person was in need of money (since many of them were unemployed due to Hitler) or clothing or a home and the he/she wanted to give their struggling family something. But now it was no longer valid and the Nazi would keep the stuff and leave the fmaily to struggle.

 I think this monument was built so that the Nazis could make the Jewish people struggle. Struggle to survive during that time. So that the Nazis could keep the Jewish things. I think the monument was built so that the Nazis and Hitler could feel like they had power over the jewish. Power over kind people that couldn't/didn't fight back. Yet the Nazis didn't feel any sympathy or sorrow for the Jews when they would kill them. This is why I think the monument was built, because the Nazis couldn't make the Jews struggle and so that they could feel like they had power.

The thing I noticed about the number of laws passed in certain years was that the Jew's human rights were being taken away. Such as the ability to teach in schools, if you were Jew you weren't aloud to teach anymore. As the years went the Jewish freedom was being taken away. They couldn't go to to shop at any time, no pets aloud, couldn't buy basic foods, could be fired, couldn't own a radio anymore, couldn't have a phone etc. The Jews couldn't even atten to the same schools as the "Aryans". Sooner or later the Jews would of been restricted to breathe the same air that the others breathed in. Thankfully they were freed.

The restriction I think I would of had the most trouble with would be having be forced to work. I would struggle with this because I really don't like it when I'm forced to do things. I don't like being bossed around by cruel people. I especially hate it when people think that they are better than others and step over them like if they were nothing. Even though we are all humans. I'm stubborn and if I don't like the way you treat others then I won't help you nor respect you. I feel like I would explode with anger due to the Nazis and I would end up planning a plane to take over them and make them surrender. Or attack one of them get their weapon get myself free, free the others and get everyone together to right back. Or just end up getting killed and having to stop living the rest of my life trapped with no freedom and being forced to work and be treated horribly.

Final Reflection

Finall Reflection  Three most important things I learned this year were to always improve your writing, To annotate the articles you read...